I wonder if some of you experienced Kingfisher owners might be able to help me with a restoration project which is floundering somewhat. I need photos, drawings, advice, anything for guidance with restoring Nilkant, an early K20 with a rusted inboard motor and Pretendre, a later K20 with motor well etc. My intention is to combine the best bits of both boats to get one on the water fairly quickly. The other will then become a long term project or be sold on. I am amazed just how many K20s there are around. Locally, I am aware of 2 at Faversham (Oare Creek), one on the Medway at Maidstone and mine in the shed at home in Ashford. If anyone is able to assist, please contact me.
K20 Restorations
Moderator: aptanet
hi there gordon, i am a bit confused i have just purchased what i believe to be petendre laying in maidstone i take it that you sold her on and now i have puchased her.if so you may be able to help as i have bought her shell and am trying to piece together all that is missing though there are parts spread about the boat yard in several lock ups. i would love to know first hand what was removed and therefore needs replacing. cheers mate dave.