Otter Mast needed

Discussion forum for the Otter class of sailing dinghy

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Otter Mast needed

Post by fionaboyd »

Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone could help. My Mother has had an Otter for many years but unfortunately for the last few years it has been unusable as a tree fell on it and broke the mast. Would anyone know of anywhere I could get a new or preferably second hand mast from to resurrect my Mum's sailing hobby?
The old mast is aluminium, and the sail number is 617.
Also has anyone got any tips on how to revamp the woodwork - should I sand it and revarnish it, or sand it and oil it?
One last thing, does anyone any recommendations on renovating the fibre glass colour?
It would be nice to spruce up the whole boat while I'm at it.

Any help and advice gratefully received.

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Location: West Norfolk

Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by albacore43 »

Hello Fiona and welcome!
I cannot help with a mast but will relate what I did to enliven two very neglected Otters that I acquired, both of which had been left uncovered in boatparks for a number of years.
The woodwork had turned to a grey colour and become very hard.
I initially used a fairly coarse sandpaper on this to open up the surface, which I then treated with a 50/50 mixture of linseed oil and pure turpentine, repeating with the oil only, some days later.
This brought the wood back to life, when, weeks later I fine sanded, eventually applying a number of coats of varnish. (I would do the wood treatment before winter if you can, adding the varnish next spring.)
As far as the gel coat is concerned, the object of the excercise is mainly to remove the oxidation from the "pores". On the first one, I used a proprietory kitchen cleaner (cannot remember which) and achieved satisfactory results; for the second, that was not effective enough, so I purchased some "Turtle Colour Restorer", a mild liquid rubbing compound normally used on cars.
This did a wonderful job. Apply, leave for a few seconds and polish with a circular motion; not a lot of pressure required either! Looking back, go for the compound.
I reasoned that if I then waxed the gel coat, blocking the "pores" it should prevent further oxidation for some time; so far so good!
Hope this helps and if you cannot get the right restorer and are anywhere near West Norfolk, I have loads left over.
Good Luck

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by alant »

fionaboyd wrote:Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone could help. My Mother has had an Otter for many years but unfortunately for the last few years it has been unusable as a tree fell on it and broke the mast. Would anyone know of anywhere I could get a new or preferably second hand mast from to resurrect my Mum's sailing hobby?
The old mast is aluminium, and the sail number is 617.
Also has anyone got any tips on how to revamp the woodwork - should I sand it and revarnish it, or sand it and oil it?
One last thing, does anyone any recommendations on renovating the fibre glass colour?
It would be nice to spruce up the whole boat while I'm at it.

Any help and advice gratefully received.
If you can't get one, I might be interested in Otter sails, if OK.

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Location: West Norfolk

Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by albacore43 »

Fiona, thinking about the required mast, I hope that I will be proven wrong but you are going to be very fortunate to acquire an original one.
It might be wise, whilst you are looking, to consider buying a redundant mast from another class of boat. If you go down this road, be sure to get the stays as well, the Otter's won't fit!
The Otter has the shortest bermudan mast (5.24m) that I can think of on a 12 foot boat, meaning a slightly longer possible replacement.
The following are pretty near:
Graduate @ 5.5m (probably the most likely to be available)
Gull 5.68
Pacer 5.68 (unlikely to get)
Miracle 5.85
Whatever that you may find of a suitable length, ensure that it is a deck-stepped item.
Something to think about anyway.
Good Luck!

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by cweed »

You're on the ball, Albacore 43...........

You might be able to find an abandoned metal mast at a sailing club and cut it down, if you can be bothered and if you still have the old damaged one for the compatible fittings...........

Mirrors now have bermudan rigs...................

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Location: West Norfolk

Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by albacore43 »

How is it going with you Cweed?
I hope that are not encouraging Fiona to pay a nocturnal visit to my sailing club!!
I also thought that the Mirror warranted a mention but discovered that the bermudan mast length is a mere 4.75m.
Probably have to lower the gooseneck to accomodate all the sail and end up with the boom resting on the centreboard case!
Fiona, we are trying to help --honest!!

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by fionaboyd »

Thanks for all your advice, very thorough, I will do what I can to the wood and the gel coat.

wrt the mast, I actually have a longer mast, but it doesnt have the same cross section as the old otter mast - does this matter or is it worth a look to see if some of the otter attachments will fit?

In case I don't manage this, do otters have a value as spares or repair?


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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by cweed »

......your mast........

You could fit a longer mast as long as:

The foot fitting on the mast will fit whatever the fitting is you have on your boat to step the mast onto,


The shrouds and forestay, (the three wires that hold the mast upright) are long enough to reach the anchor points on the boat. If they are too short, you can use some strong non stretch line / cord ( Kevlar or similar) or even a a length of suitable chain for each shroud,to make up the difference if you don't want to buy correct length wires. If too long, then you'd probably need to buy some shorter, or the old Otter shrouds might be usable. You'll need to have the forestay so that it can be tightened, either with a bottlescrew or a length of line, looped a couple of times around the wire eye and the anchor point before tying off securely to tension the whole rig.


You'd need to check the boom attachment to the gooseneck fitting on the mast, as these can vary, but they are all the same idea.

If you fit a longer mast, the sails won't need to be hoisted to the top.......... fit the boom and then hoist the mainsail; for the jib, attach to the anchor point at the bow and then hoist. The mast section for an Otter I'd say was irrelevant as Otters are not high powered boats. If your 2nd mast is complete, you could see if it might fit the boat with a bit of jiggling, before trying to remove the Otter rigging and refit to the replacement.

Good Luck.

It'd be a shame not to re commission it!

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by Otter915 »

Hi Fiona,
An idea worth considering if your otter has been stood for some time and the sails and trailer are not great is to just buy another otter with a decent mast. Then you can keep the best trailer, hull, mast and sails from the two boats and sell all the rest as a package and still get most of your money back. I only suggest this as from time to time on ebay there are some real bargins. A few years ago I bought an otter with a good condition hull and spars with ok sails and a fairly poor trailer for £104!
Regards James.

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by fionaboyd »

As ever very good advice.

I will keep an eye on ebay for another one to pinch parts from, and give the mast I have a go. £104 sounds like a good deal. It is definitely going to cost me more than that to get this one going (as the trailer needs work too) but my Mum is adamant she doesn't want to sell it. It'll be nice to get it going, although hard work :-)

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by Otter915 »

Don't know if it is close to you or not, but there is an otter currently on ebay located in Devon. ... 4abea6f3d5
Regards James.

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Re: Otter Mast needed

Post by fionaboyd »

Saw it thanks!

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