Just in case anyone pops in here to find out what is happening with the website I thought I'd put a quick post up here...
FIrst off, check you are heading to the right one. It has recently had to move to a new home, so http://www.kyoa.org.uk/ is where you should be heading, and not the original http://www.kyoa.co.uk/.
Second, thing to note is that there is currently a problem with the site caused by are hard disk failure in the server hosting the site. The hosting providers are working hard to resolve the problem and restore the site (and many others also hosted on the same server). This was first reported just before 8am this morning (5th October 2004), and the site is still off line as I post this at 1130hrs.
As an aside to this, when you can see the site again you will note (if you haven't already) that it has had a make over - all credit going to Pete Johnson who maintains the site.
Temporary website problem
Moderator: aptanet