Welcome to the KYOA discussion forum, feel free to discuss any issues related to Kingfisher yachts here.
Please be aware, though, that this is primarily a forum for members of the Kingfisher Yacht Owners Association - please see the website at http://www.kyoa.org.uk/.
Discussions on this list may be used in full, or summary for publication in the association newsletter for those members who do not have access to this forum.
Please note that in order to post a message to this forum you need to register first. You will then have a username and password to login with. Please use the 'Register' button at the top of the screen for this.
Moderator: aptanet
Paul Tansom
Sailsite Forums Administrator
BDMLR Marine Mammal Medic
https://www.plsa.org.uk/ | https://www.kyoa.org.uk/
https://www.aptanet.com/ | https://www.linuxlore.co.uk/
Sailsite Forums Administrator
BDMLR Marine Mammal Medic
https://www.plsa.org.uk/ | https://www.kyoa.org.uk/
https://www.aptanet.com/ | https://www.linuxlore.co.uk/